personal yoga

Private sessions focused on the pelvis, the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and muscles surrounding for strength,  stabilizing and space. Creating a strong, but flexible pelvic diaphragm to keep the pelvis and abdominal organs healthy as we age.

practicing yoga cultivates

self-awareness and sensitivity towards your body

yoga for pelvic health

Yoga focused on the pelvis, muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and surrounding muscles to create space, awareness and ease pain and tension. Strengthening, stabilizing, stretching and softening the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm to create a stable foundation for the body and each movement. Creating strong, but flexible muscles of the pelvic diaphragm to keep the pelvis and pelvic/abdominal organs healthy as we age.

Chi Nei Tsang: holistic belly massage; you see the hands of Steffi massaging a belly with on the background massage oil.

my approach

I love working with clients 1 on 1 and creating a personal yoga sequence and practice for specific issues and requests. Witnessing your progress is one of my greatest joys. 

After an in depth intake I can make a yoga practice based on the state of your pelvis and muscles. Helping you to cultivate self-awareness and sensitivity towards your body. With specific yoga postures and sequences you will be able to create more space when needed, ease tension and bring strength and stability back into your body.

You will gain a deeper understanding of your pelvic diaphragm, how to breath and move. Each class you will get a PDF with the poses we practiced so you can easily continue the practice at home.

private pelvic yoga sessions with me will give you…

– Deeper understanding on how to breathe for your pelvis and pelvic health
– Stronger connection and awareness of your pelvic diaphragm and body
– The personal support you are missing in group sessions
– Empowerment to take an active role in your own healing
– A nuanced set of tools you can fine-tune to address your specific circumstances in a non-invasive, holistic way


the pelvis is the  root of

your health

my offerings

 These 1-on-1 sessions can be in person at my practice in Den Haag (President Kennedylaan 19), online or at your home for an additional fee of €10 (only available in Den Haag/Rijswijk/Voorburg area). 

single session

one time session

– online intake
– 60 minutes
– personal designed yoga sequence
– PDF with sequence

five sessions

within 6 weeks

– online intake
– 5x 60 minutes
– personal designed yoga sequence
– PDF with sequence

you are my ideal client if…

– You are ready to do the work
– Are looking for a way to ease tension and create power from within
– You’re ready to take responsibility for your own health
– You want to get rooted in your body and pelvis
– You want to feel alive and awakened in your pelvis
– You’re ready to face your fears and pain and ready to break through them
– You are not afraid to dive deep


yoga met steffi

client love

I’ve been learning so much about my body by focusing more conscious attention to my pelvis. And btw the first zoom we had with the yoga class, damn, I never felt like this after yoga. As if I was in a awakened fog haha. I don’t know how to describe it, but to give conscious attention to my body and pelvis in that way was really powerful and beneficial to me! So thank you!

Previous online student

My pelvic pain journey hasn’t been easy. I’ve been to different doctors, specialists, therapists and healers, but it’s hard to find a holistic approach that covers the complexity of pelvic pain. That’s why I’m so grateful to have found Steffi!

Previous online student

This might be TMI, but I’m so happy with this that I want to share it anyway. Yesterday I’ve had pain free sex for the first time in months. I breathed deeply into my belly, did some yogastretches en released the expectation that it would hurt. What a difference! I’m really grateful!

Previous online student

Our bodies are innately

wired to heal

Got a question, contact me!

Send an email to or use the form below to get in touch

contact steffi. picture of a woman sitting on a wooden desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee

Steffi is here to support you on your pelvic health journey, whether it’s creating space through bodywork, pelvic yoga or pelvic health guidance. Click here to book a free 30 min call with me and learn how I can guide you into feeling grounded, pain free and powerful in your pelvis.

let’s get social
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